Sunday, March 15, 2009

Looking for comments to my question below

If you hear your child make fun of another kid what would you say to them? (exp: kids with disabilities, poor kids ect.) I ask this question for a reason and I will post why I asked this question in a few day.

Thanks for your comments

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MRI update

Hi to all my followers. I am giving you an update on our day from Issac's MRI. Well we ended up going down the night before to stay with my brother who lives in the Akron area since the appt was so early. We were up and out the door at 6:30a.m. which was a good thing. Boy do I not like that kinda traffic. We ended up getting off the wrong turn thanks to our mapquest directions. We finally made it to the hospital with a few minutes to spare. So we took the elevator to the first floor where the office was not knowing that you had to take the catwalk across first then go down, but we were really lucky since a worker let us walk in with her because the office was right there and she couldn't see making us go back to the 3rd floor to come across the catwalk. So thanks much too her and God Bless her!! Went into the doc office signed in and they took us back pretty quick. The nurses were the best. You could just see they loved there job. The Nurses were really nervous when it was time to put the IV in Issacs arm and I told them not to worry he always does good. Well he did wonderful and watched them the whole time and didn't even shed a tear. (This is the part of Issac not feeling pain right away). They took me and Issac back to MRI room, put him to sleep(don't want to see that again) and did the MRI took about 1 hour. Then we had an appt to see the doc right after for the results. The results came back fine(thank God). Only found one little spot not worried about it but will recheck in 6months. So I asked him why Issac was the way he is and his anwser was must be behavioral problem. So my quest continues to help him learn and just to be patient with him.