Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our week

Well this week has been one of the better ones in awhile. Today was the first day he got upset and didn't want to go to school. So this meant hitting, kicking, screeching which one day out of the week is good. No the less I had to stop and get a coffee. lol The most frustrating thing right now is helping him understand things have consequences. So daddy got his motorcycle going last night which made Issac's day and daddy went down the street to show it to Grandpa and when I turned around there was Issac riding down the rode on his bike. Thankfully we live in a modular park which is not like being on a street but it does get busy at times and I still have to treat it like a street for Issac. When I got him back home took his bike away he just couldn't understand why. Thankfully all I have to do is focus his attention on anything that has to do with automobiles and he forgets what was wrong. Issac has come along way and is learning alot better just really need to get this comprehension thing figured out. On the fun side he is learning to have pretend play and is pretend talking to daddy's friends on the phone. Which is so funny because he takes everything to heart and if you didn't know it you would really think someone was on the other end. We have a family vacation coming up after school gets out and Joe and I are nervous about it because Issac doesn't really handle being away from home for vary long to well so just keep us in your prayers that all four of us can enjoy it.

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